Belong. Believe. Become.

Sunday, March 30th 2025
Join us for Worship at 10:30 AM

Title Forthcoming
Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32

Upcoming events

  • Lenten Service of Prayer and Communion

    Every Wednesday during Lent.

    (March 12-April 16)

    7:00 PM in the Chapel.

  • Bashor Men's Shelter

    Friday, March 28

    3:00 PM - Meet at JCPC

    4:00 PM - Head to Central Presbyterian

    Bashor Homeless Men's Shelter in downtown Atlanta takes care of 70 overnight guests each night at Central Presbyterian Church. Johns Creek Presbyterian will provide meals and overnight volunteers for 4 nights during this shelter season. This is our FOURTH and FINAL date.

    Contact Honey Cunningham for more information, or click the button below:


  • Positive Impact International Cooking Class

    Saturday, April 5
    4:30PM in the Great Hall

    Join us for fellowship with our friends at Positive Impact International as we host an empanada cooking class!

    Dinner will be provided.