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Welcome to the JCPC Daily Reflections Blog. Reflections are daily devotionals authored by JCPC pastors, staff and members and provide insight, guidance and comfort to help you make it through each day. If you’d like to receive Reflections each day via email,  provide your email address.

Monday, February 17 2020

During a time of prayerful reflection I awakened to a sense of self-realization. Namely, I rush through life. I know I'm slow to this realization even though many people, including some of you, have told me that I'm always busy and rushing from one meeting to the next. Now, I am not seeing this as a flaw per se because I know that I was built to be a striver. Naturally, when I read Jesus' parable about the talents I see myself as a servant who invests his talents in order to produce more, increase the yield and at times Carpe Diem.


Then again, I shy away from the parable of the man who builds barns to store all that he had produced; saving for a rainy day. What did it benefit him the day that his life was required of him? Funny teacher that Jesus; he gives us parables that travel on both sides of the street of life. Perhaps you can't travel the path of life without traveling both the striving and the pausing.


In two weeks you are invited to travel the path of prayer here at JCPC during our 10th annual prayer vigil. For those who have prayed during past vigils I have heard it was a time to slow down, reflect, pray for the needs of others as well as one self. All good things! This year I want to encourage you to bring a special focus that is often under-prayed; namely your blessings.


During my prayerful reflection time in which I realize how I rush through my day another epiphany happened. I awakened to the blessings that have supported me, uplifted me, and called me to strive on while I took a break to welcome these gifts. Wow! These blessings are God gifts, God winks, and God nudges I too often take for granted as I press on through the day, the week, and the years. Yet each day is glued together with these inspirational blessings. So join me at the prayer vigil and we will count our blessings as we walk the two sides of the road of life together.


Prayer for Today

Awaken in us the many blessings we experience in our day, O Lord, and inspire us with these gifts so that we can take on the challenges of our day with faith, hope and love. Amen.

Posted by: AT 03:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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