More About Unspoiled Endings

In Unspoiled Endings, Christopher T. Holmes seeks to address two general but ultimately inadequate approaches to the book of Revelation. On the one hand, some obsess about decoding its symbolic language and providing a proper timetable for understanding the end times. On the other hand, many simply disregard or neglect Revelation altogether because of its strange or unsettling contents. Unspoiled Endings offers a historical, literary, and theological reading that offers an alternative to both tendencies and explains how and why Revelation relates to the life of faith. It serves as a corrective to those whose understanding of Revelation has been shaped more by the Left Behind series than by the book itself, and as an invitation to those who otherwise would never think to read or study the book. Each chapter presents a feature or characteristic of Revelation that contemporary readers can "reclaim" to make Revelation a more relevant and invigorating resource for contemporary Christians.

The Book of Revelation

Understanding one of the Bible’s most misunderstood books through an academic lens.

Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Holmes

Friday, April 25 & Saturday, April 26
Johns Creek Presbyterian Church
Open to All

Friday, April 25

6:00 PM : Dinner
7:00 PM : Intro Seminar
8:15 PM : Q & A Session

Saturday, April 26

9:30 AM : Community Coffee
10:00 AM : Seminar 1
11:15 AM : Break
11:30 AM: Seminar 2
12:45 PM: Lunch

This event is free to the public!
Dinner + Lunch = $30
or bring your own food

Any Questions?

Contact Pastor Rachel

More About Rev. Dr. Christopher T. Holmes

Rev. Dr. Chris Holmes is the John H. Stembler, Jr., Scholar in Residence and Director of Biblical and Theological Education at First Presbyterian Church (Atlanta, GA). In this capacity, he serves as the resident scholar and chief creator of unique learning opportunities and platforms for teaching Bible, history, and theology that bridge the church and the academy. In addition, he is currently a visiting assistant professor of New Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary (Decatur, GA), an instructor in UMC’s Course of Study Program at Emory University, and an adjunct professor at McAfee School of Theology. His research interests include the Epistle to the Hebrews, Revelation, Paul’s Letters, ancient rhetoric, and theological interpretation of Scripture. He lives in southeast Atlanta with his spouse, Jenelle who is a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Together they have two children, Micah (15) and Darcy (13), two dogs, and a three-legged cat. He is an avid Atlanta United fan and enjoys running and riding his bike in and around Atlanta.