Bashor Men’s Shelter
Friday, March 28
3:00 PM - Meet at JCPC
4:00 PM - Head to Central Presbyterian
Bashor Homeless Mens Shelter in downtown Atlanta takes care of 70 overnight guests each night at Central Presbyterian Church. Johns Creek Presbyterian will provide meals and overnight volunteers for 4 nights during this shelter season. Our FOURTH and FINAL date is Friday evening, March 28th.
We are providing our tried and true Sloppy Joe meal that the men love. Please sign up to bring a food item, help warm up the food Friday afternoon at JCPC, and/or serve the meal at Bashor Homeless Mens Shelter with other JCPC volunteers. Also, we need overnight volunteers to spend the night!
****You can drop off food items in the Great Hall Kitchen anytime before 3pm Friday afternoon, March 28th and please have them labeled for Night Shelter meal.****
Contact Honey Cunningham for more information: