Bashor Homeless Men's Shelter (formerly Central Presbyterian Night Shelter)
Located at Central Presbyterian Church on Washington Street in downtown Atlanta. JCPC members volunteer to prepare and serve meals on designated nights from November 1 through March 31. Volunteers serve as on-site resources during overnight hours that run from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and provide a hot dinner, bagged lunch and breakfast.
JCPC Contact: Honey Cunningham Phone: 678-575-7471
Beacon of Hope
A Beacon of Hope is a faith-based, non-profit organization focused on empowering women and families through pregnancy diagnosis, decision support, and sexual health services by providing compassionate medical, emotional and long term care for pregnant women. JCPC holds a “Baby Bottle Boomerang” each year to raise funds.
JCPC Contact: Ross Johnson
Habitat for Humanity - North Central Georgia
North Central Georgia is an independently run and operated affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International comprised of Habitat groups in Cherokee, Forsyth and Dawson counties. They have constructed over 330 homes and have repaired 102 homes serving more than 1500 individuals. JCPC participates in workdays in the fall and spring.
JCPC Contact: Barry Lucas Phone: 770-286-1948
Hands of Christ
The Hands of Christ Duluth Cooperative Ministry prevents hunger and homelessness in our community by providing food, financial aid and hope to those in crisis. JCPC has been a Co-op sponsor for more than 25 years and provides food (grocery basket for donations in the church atrium), financial support, volunteers at the Co-op, grocery store deliveries to the Co-op and leadership on the Board of Directors. JCPC also sponsors a turkey drive in November and the Alternative Christmas Market. The preschool provides Easter Baskets each spring.
JCPC Contact: Margy McLynn Phone: 770-354-1087
LifeSouth Blood Drives
Donating blood is a selfless act by one person to save the lives of others. Only approximately 37 %of the US population is eligible to donate with less than 10% of that group actually donating. Blood Drives occur at JCPC every 8-10 weeks. You can save three lives with your one donation. Last year JCPC saved 180 lives.
JCPC contact: Gail Nearing Phone: 770-656-3557
Promise 686
Is guided by Psalm 686 “God sets the lonely in families”. The agency works to mobilize church communities to care for vulnerable children by raising awareness, helping to prevent children from going into foster care, by supporting biological families in need, recruiting and equipping foster and adoptive families and by creating care communities for those caring for at risk children. JCPC has established a Family Advocacy Ministry to support foster care families and biological families by providing meals and numerous other support services. In addition JCPC participates the Care Portal which identifies immediate needs of children that can be accomplished by donated or purchased items and connecting those in need with resources.
JCPC Contacts: Joanna Pope Phone: 404-660-1824 or Debi Doverspike Phone: 770-826-8961
Pumpkin Patch
Every October JCPC hosts the Pumpkin Patch with over 1,700 pumpkins delivered to generate funds to sponsor JCPC mission trips and conferences. The Pumpkin Patch provides outreach to the community, preschools, daycare centers, family and friends. Storytime, pictures, games and baked goods are part of the many experiences to enjoy at the Pumpkin Patch.
JCPC Contacts: Honey Cunningham Phone: 678-575-7471 or Email: Lisa Lucas Phone: 770-364-3230
Rise Against Hunger
Is a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies by packing meal kits that help feed international hungry and malnourished families. JCPC purchases and prepares meal kits each fall as our congregational mission focus.
JCPC contact: Dawn Melin Phone: 770-235-7628