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Welcome to the JCPC Daily Reflections Blog. Reflections are daily devotionals authored by JCPC pastors, staff and members and provide insight, guidance and comfort to help you make it through each day. If you’d like to receive Reflections each day via email,  provide your email address.

Tuesday, April 26 2016

I always thank my God when I remember you in my prayers. That's because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus. I hear about your love for all of God's people.  I pray that you will be active in sharing what you believe. Then you will completely understand every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy. It has cheered me up. My friend, you have renewed the hearts of God's people.  -Philemon 1:4-8

I was first introduced to this passage in the very short book of Philemon when I was in middle school. Since that time these verses will occasionally come to mind at times in my life when I am grateful, especially for a particular community of faith. We are going to take a moment this Sunday, to say thank you to those that have served as Sunday School teachers, Small Group Leaders, Youth Advisors and Children's Worship Leaders over the past year.

Please join me in sharing our appreciation to those that have responded to God's call in this way. Thank you so much for the ways that you continue to be active in sharing your faith and the love of Christ. At times like these, it can be overwhelming to have such an awesome cloud of witnesses to experience life with.

I would invite you to take some time today to think about those that you would remember in your prayers because they have helped you to experience God's love in a deeper way.

Prayer for Today

Gracious God, Thank you for each person that you place in our path to help us gain a greater understanding of your love. Guide us as we open our hearts to the ways that you will use us to share our faith and your love this day. In Christ's Name, Amen.

Posted by: Allison Shearouse AT 07:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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