Remember that the Sabbath Day belongs to me. You have six days you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week belongs to me, your God. No one is to work on that day...
-Exodus 20:8
We live in a place where everyone wants you to work hard. Teachers, parents, bosses, coaches, and children all have expectations for what we should do with our time each day. This commandment is very familiar, but often challenging to follow through with in our day to day pace of life. Often, we think about Sabbath as rest and worship. What else do you do with your Sabbath? How do you find time to connect with God in a deeper way?
Finding time for rest and worship can be challenging during those first days and weeks of a new school year.
As we prepare to begin a new school year, I am realizing my need to be more aware of God at work in my life and the ways that I can slow down and appreciate the blessings of each day. I know that this passage and message may be challenging at this time of year. When we experience drastic life transitions like this, I find it renewing to be able to just start fresh and build in some new practices.
I would like to invite you to take one or two minutes this week to think about how you will find time to uphold this fourth commandment as we begin a new school year.
Prayer for Today
Gracious God, Thank you for the blessings we experience when things change. Open our minds and hearts to the ways that we can experience rest and worship as we begin a new school year. In Christ's Name, Amen.