I was speaking on the phone with someone who had returned home following a prolonged stay in the hospital. Without getting into the medical details it was touch and go for a few weeks. If you have ever experienced a hospitalization you know the hospital is no place like home. It's a place where you are sick, feel vulnerable and exposed. Naked if you will.
Upon inquiring about her recovery she wanted to share a thank you with me. "Thanks for visiting with me while I was in the hospital! I was really sick. And I want you to know I still have my knit wit! I use it all the time."
You might wonder what she meant. What knit wit did Neal bring to the hospital with him and why did he leave the knit wit with her? Wasn't that against HIPPA regulations?
What she was thanking me for was the prayer shawl I gave to her; a prayer shawl knitted by our extravagantly generous knitting ministry group the Monday Knit Wits.
As I presented the prayer shawl to her I told her the story of our Knit Wits and their ministry of loving kindness. The prayer shawl took on the personality of the group and for her became her knit wit. I wasn't surprised because when we are infants our baby blankets are soothers that take on the personality of mother who wraps us in with loving kindness. Such early acts of love are remembered deep within the heart when snuggling with a prayer shawl.
In Matthew 25 Jesus tells us that we encounter him when we are providing care of loving kindness.
"I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me."
-Matthew 25: 36
I know of no other extravagant act of generosity that connects in such deep ways as a knit wit; both internally and with our Lord.
Hey Monday Knit Wits...you've been Caught in the Act!
Prayer for Today
Gracious and Loving God, open our eyes to see you in those in need so that we can wrap your loving kindness around those who are suffering. Amen.