As a teenager, I can remember talking with my friends in school about the music we liked. We would ask each other this question:
Suppose you were on a desert island and could only listen to ten albums for the rest of your life - what would be on your list? We would call this our "Desert Island" list. It was our way of asking what our ten favorite albums were - our "Top Ten" list.
This Sunday I am starting a new series of messages called "Six Songs to Save Your Life." I want to ask you to start thinking of your "Desert Island" list of the six songs you would choose if you could only have those to listen to for the rest of your life. What would you put on that list? I am finding that my list changes from day to day. I think I have my six songs, but then another one comes to mind and I wonder if it is better than the last song on my list.
When it comes to songs that could "save your life" -- we may wonder what that means. Maybe a song that is a cry for help? Or a song that gives hope when we feel hopeless? Or perhaps it would be a song that expresses in just the right words and musical notes how we really feel about something.
Beginning this Sunday I am going to be talking about one song each week that can infuse us with LIFE - the kind of life that is filled with the energy of God! These songs have brought that kind of vibrant life into the lives of people like you and me for thousands of years. Today we know them as the Psalms. These are God-inspired words that speak honesty of both the joys and the struggles of human existence. Learning to pray these songs can shape and transform us into beings who are more fully alive. God can literally use these songs to save our lives from the challenges we face. So come this Sunday and invite a friend to join you - you will be glad you did!
Sing to the LORD a new song.
- Psalm 96:1a, NIV
Prayer for Today
Creator God, at the beginning of time, you spoke - you sang this world into being - and it was good! Sing your love into our hearts this day - that we might be your music in the world. Fill us with your song of love and grace! We pray this in the strong name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.