Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord, all the earth.
-Psalm 96:1
New year. New song. First let me wish you happy new years!
Have you made your resolution(s) for 2017? The beginning of a new year motivates us to sing a new song to use the quote from Psalm 96. Notice I'm not specifically talking about diets and exercise even though they might be new songs. What I'm alluding to is that a new song is a song of joy. What songs of joy will you sing in 2017?
Resolutions are based in the dynamic of holding on and letting go. An example is the life altering resolution of I'm going to let go of using the phrase I hate... and instead practice the phrase I love... When you let go of what you hate and resolve to think more about what/who I love you won't hold onto as many resentments and annoyances. Resolve to sing a new song in 2017. You will experience more joy.
For those of you who resolve to bring more order into your messy lives you might like reading, "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo. Rather than suggesting that you purge what you don't need, she offers a helpful guide line utilizing the power of joy. Kondo recommends taking time to go through everything you own and take a moment to ask "does this spark joy?" If so then hold onto it. If not, let it go. This method can serve as a metaphor for life. It can also connect your soul with the power of singing to the Lord a new song.
To quote Kondo, "the question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life." This is true whether ownership is of possessions, beliefs, emotions, or habits.
Sing to the Lord a new song and may you have a blessed 2017.
Prayer for Today
I sing your praises, O Lord, and my soul sings a new song; rejoicing in the many blessings you have bestowed. Help me to let go of the things that dampen my joy and embrace the new life you stand ready to offer. Amen.