Heidi and I shared an ongoing laugh last Monday and it all started out innocently enough. "The day is really flying," I stated as we gathered ourselves to transition to our staff meeting. "Is it," she replied. I mentioned that I could say "this day is really dragging" but then our mood would sink down. I needed all the energy I could muster; it was Monday. What we say about the day has an impact on the progress of the day.
Midway through the day I said, "The day's still young" and we shared an insider laugh and we both knew I was going to continue this banter the remainder of the day. "This day has really flown..." and you can imagine what time of day I lobbed this comment Heidi's way. "You know, I said to her, that I'm going to write about this in next week's Reflections." Well, next week is now.
The Psalmist has a different way to speak to the day: "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
What happens in your day when you begin the day by praising God, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let me rejoice and be glad in it?"
Or what could happen in the midst of an extremely difficult day when you stop to pray, "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it?"
Imagine what will happen when you complete your day praying, "This is the day that you, O Lord, have made, allow me to remember parts that I am glad with and in."
Let's find time to be glad in it together.
I know a time! Each Sunday morning Gray begins worship with the proclamation; "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" I look forward to being glad with you this coming Sunday. We will rejoice together.
Prayer for Today
For the blessing of this day, I give you thanks and praise, O God and I promise to thank you for all your blessings that make my day glad. Amen.