This time of year truly is the season of growth. I've been wowed by all the graduation notices, prom pictures and confirmation ceremonies. Yesterday's confirmation Sunday here at JCPC was special in so many ways and of course symbolizes growth. Here is a fun way to think about what it means to grow:
G- gratitude
R- remember
O- open
W- wonder
I'm grateful for the faith the confirmands shared and their ability to inspire us. It was difficult to keep a dry eye when I gazed at the parents and knew that this moment was both a culmination of so, so many moments and the swelling up of joy for their child's growth in faith. I think our minds opened up to possibilities for each of the confirmands and we wondered together about the contributions they will be making in their adult lives. GROW; it has a nice ring to it.
I completed confirmation class at Auburn Presbyterian Church in 1969. I'm thankful for all those who helped me grow in the faith, both through intentional and unintentional ways. I still have my red bible that Rev. Bill Heimach gave me and the words of inspiration he inscribed.
A few years later, unbeknownst to me, Rev. Heimach approached members of my family to encourage me to go to seminary. He said he felt that I was called to ministry. Not one of them mentioned that to me until after I had finished seminary and had entered into ordained ministry. In some ways, I'm happy they restrained themselves because at that time in my life I was more inclined to want to make my own decision. Looking back, did I really...
G- gratitude
R- remember
O- open
W- wonder
Prayer for Today
Loving God, help us to remember with grateful praise the gift of faith. Keep us open to your word so that we will be filled with wonder and follow you where you lead us. Amen.