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Thursday, September 27 2018

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness

-Titus 2:7


My sister shared with us recently how she'd taken my nephew to preschool for the first time. He was not upset when she left and couldn't wait to go back. She felt that twinge of him exercising his new found independence, a life away from parents. My mother said to her, "I was told by one of my darling toddlers when I dropped her off for her first day of school, 'Well, mom, you'll just have to get a life.'"


I had forgotten that story entirely, but we all had a good laugh. It always comes full circle. But in remembering that story and walking the halls of our preschool in our first weeks as kids adjust to being away from mom and dad, I'm reminded of the importance of this first step. Our society is encouraging greater and greater entanglement of the lives of our young people, stymying their ability to become self-sufficient. The notable exception being on their phones and social media. 


It's all the more important to remember that one of the best parenting (and grand-parenting and aunting and uncling and mentoring) practices is to have your own life that is one of example. It is one thing to make a child attend school. It's another to read and study and take courses as a life-long learner. It's one thing to take them to Sunday school and another to go to an adult Sunday school every week or a small group or Bible study. It's one thing to send them on a mission trip and another to go with them or go on your own. Our children learn best by emulating us, rather than only hearing us. So, we are well reminded by a child to go get our own lives... and live them well. 

Prayer for Today


Lord, help me to appreciate the life you have given me and use it to set an example. Set me apart and help me lead through that example as I follow your son's life as mine. Amen.

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