This Sunday we begin talking about something most people want more
of - JOY! This week I have been thinking about the songs I learned, both inside and outside of the church, that have to do with joy -- songs like "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" or "Joy to the World" (not to be confused with the "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" song of the same name by Three Dog Night.) In our church growing up, we were taught a song called "Jesus and Others and You (J-O-Y)" which went this way:
Jesus and Others and You,
what a wonderful way to spell joy.
Jesus and Others and You,
in the life of each girl and each boy.
"J" is for Jesus who died in our place.
"O" is for Others we meet face to face.
"Y" is for You, and whatever you do.
Put yourself third and spell JOY.
I am always amazed when I remember songs like that I learned so long ago. It shows how those things we were taught as children can remain with us a very long time.
This Sunday we will begin talking about "The Joy of Giving."
As I said, most people I know would like some more joy in their lives. So, what does joy have to do with giving? It seems like many people try to find joy from getting something, rather than from giving something away. Sunday we will explore what it means when Jesus says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35, NIV)
What does it mean to be "blessed" and what does that have to do with giving and joy?
Also, you will receive a letter next week from me about "The Joy of Giving" and a "Joy of Giving Cookbook" that will inspire you with stories of how your giving makes a life-changing difference in the lives of others through Johns Creek Presbyterian Church. If you look it over, you may discover some joy!