Worship the Lord with gladness...
-Psalm 100:2a, NIV
In February of 2018, our church family began our "Dare 2 Dream" long-range planning process. We invited everyone to attend on four consecutive Sundays. We wanted to envision what God might be calling Johns Creek Presbyterian Church to do in the coming years. Many of you attended and shared your best insights regarding what God's vision might be.
Last fall, we took the ideas shared by our congregation and shaped them into our "Dare 2 Dream" long-range plan. (Copies of that plan can be found throughout the church.) Goal #4 was summarized this way: "Explore ways to enhance the variety in our existing worship services, and the possibility of adding new worship services." We set a Spring 2019 to Winter 2020 time-frame for implementation. A Task Force was created in February to survey the congregation about ways to "enhance the variety" in worship. During this past April, we asked everyone in worship to take that survey - either on paper or online. Thank you to everyone who took the time to do that!
Our Task Force took that information and summarized the key points of the survey. All of the survey information was shared -- first with our Worship Ministry Team, and then with our Session. Both the Worship Ministry Team and our Session agreed with the findings and the suggested courses of action, which are beginning soon. The Worship Ministry Team will be using all of this information to guide new enhancements to worship in the coming months.
By clicking here, you will see these observations that were presented to the Worship Ministry Team and the Session. We hope you will take time to review this information. If you would like to see the complete survey data, including comments, (but without the names of those who responded), simply contact the church office. We will gladly provide you a copy.
We are excited at some of the suggestions that came from our church family. If you have any questions, or would like to talk further about this, you can contact me or our elders serving on the Worship Ministry Team -- Angela Baker and Spencer Olsen. Also, please pray for JCPC, that we would continue to worship God well - because, as we say around JCPC, "Worship is the most important thing we do!"