I first ask God for insight to see what is really going on around me and in the world. So much appears to be taking place, but on closer inspection, we find that things are not the way they seem. Not only that, we each have our own biases and filters that affect how we perceive things. While I know we each distort what we see, I still believe that there is a sense in which things really are a certain way - at least to God. The closer we get to God, the better able we are to see things from God's perspective.
The second part of my prayer focuses on wisdom to know what I need to do in response to what is going on around me. Sometimes seeing what is going on is not as hard as knowing what I can do about it - if anything. There are often many ways I could respond - even if I am trying to do the right thing.
My final request is for courage and perseverance - to do the right thing and to keep on -- especially when it gets hard. Each part builds on the others. I will keep praying this until I get the hang of it - which may take a lifetime!