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Welcome to the JCPC Daily Reflections Blog. Reflections are daily devotionals authored by JCPC pastors, staff and members and provide insight, guidance and comfort to help you make it through each day. If you’d like to receive Reflections each day via email,  provide your email address.

Monday, February 03 2020

Our 10th annual Prayer Vigil is scheduled at the end of the month. Our Ash Wednesday will be held on the evening of February 26 and the Prayer Vigil will be held on Friday, February 28 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 29 from 9:00 a.m-4:00 p.m. If you have participated in the past you will recognize that we have changed the format. This year we will still be praying, but the time frame has moved away from a 24 hour prayer vigil.


I'm excited about the vigil this year in that we are including the large prayer labyrinth in the Great Hall. Many of you have shared with us the deep experiences you have walking the labyrinth so we wanted to include it in this year's vigil. We will also be hosting prayer in the sanctuary for those of you who prefer this sacred space for your prayers. Each Sunday in February you will find index cards in the worship bulletin on which to write your prayer requests. Alice Ann Nilsen will compile the cards and create a list of prayers for you with which to prayer during the prayer vigil. I imagine you will also be praying prayers dear to your heart. Walking or sitting mark your calendars to participate in the 10th annual prayer vigil.


When I pray it can either be sitting or walking, but what both have in common is who and what I hold dear in my heart through prayer. My oldest sister lives in Indiana and her grandchildren live in Arkansas and Colorado so she yearns more physical time with them. She posted this picture on Facebook this week and I want to share it with you. It touched my heart and speaks to the heart of prayer.


Prayer for Today

Keep us mindful, O Lord, of the ones we hold dear. Remind us that they are as close to us in prayer when they are far away because each resides in our hearts. Amen.

Posted by: AT 02:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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