In recent weeks, I have been considering fear and bravery and what that looks like in my life. Today I was reminded of these words from Barbara Brown Taylor, "I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light. Things that have saved my life over and over again. So that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light."
What can we learn about the ways of God when we cannot see the way ahead, are lost, alone, frightened, not in control or when the world around us seems to have descended into darkness? What carries you through to the times in the light?
As you reflect today, I invite you to consider these words from Barbara Brown Taylor, Dr. King and the Apostle Paul.
"God is more present to our vulnerable, open night-time selves than to our pre-occupied daylight selves." Barbara Brown Taylor
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
2 Corinthians 4:6, "For God who said, 'Let there be light in the darkness' has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God is seen in the face of Jesus Christ."
Go into this day being aware of all of it and finding ways to be light for others in the midst of darkness.