-Matthew 21:8-11
On Sunday, we will remember this familiar story of Palm Sunday and joined with those in the story who came from far away to see Jesus. Those who may have experienced Jesus' healing power or those who merely heard of his miracles. Jesus' ministry so captured people's hearts and minds that they traveled far to see him.
When we remember Palm Sunday, we break the practice of examining our lives during Lent and instead we join the gathered community to welcome Jesus into the Holy City.
We are reminded as we shout "Hosanna!" and wave our palm branches, that thousands of years ago, there were common people with uncommon courage who stood together to join "the one who comes in the name of the Lord" [v. 9].
Since we will not be together in person in the Chapel on Sunday, I would like to invite you to join in our Palm Sunday celebration by taking a picture of your family with palm branches. You can gather some from your yard or you can use one of these files (color in or print) to wave in your picture. Email your photo to me (allisons@jcpcusa.org) and you'll receive a slideshow Palm Sunday parade video this weekend.
We are seeing story after story of how ordinary people have come together to accomplish something great. The small group that shows up to volunteer at the food bank week after week. Volunteers who serve as first responders in times of disaster.
Remember these stories and countless others that you have seen or heard so that you might find the courage to march with Jesus to proclaim a word of peace, reconciliation, and hope.