"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:"
-Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV
In last Sunday's sermon on "truth" - I talked about the importance of telling the truth at the right time. I mentioned the adage, "Timing is Everything." Monday evening, your Session spent a long time discussing when was the right time to reopen our church for worship, given the recent guidelines and decisions on both a national and a state level.
There are two Greek words in our Bible for "time" -- chronos and kairos. Chronos is about minutes and seconds - the things we measure with a watch. Kairos is about timing - as in when is the right time to do something. It is the word we find in scripture when it says something took place "in the fullness of time." It indicates that God's plans were being fulfilled by the timing of the event.
It is not hard to figure out the time (chronos) by looking at our watch or cell phone. But discerning the right timing to do something can be much more complex. Some folks try to "time the market" - hoping to buy and sell stocks for the greatest profit. Trapeze artists must learn the right timing to let go while flying through the air, in order for another person to catch them.
Your Session used its best wisdom, knowledge, and discernment this past Monday evening, in trying to figure out the right time to reopen our church campus for worship and other events. They considered many factors, but their primary concern was for our church members and how to keep them safe in the midst of this pandemic. While everyone is really, really ready for this to be over - your elders were not willing to rush something that was not right - especially for those in our church family of all ages who might be at risk. With that in mind, your Session has decided to wait until May 18, which is the date of our next called Session meeting, to gather more information before making our next decision about when to reopen. So, please continue to bear with us and watch our Online Worship, practice "Church@Home" and fellowship via Zoom until then. Thank you for your prayers and patience!