Welcome to the JCPC Daily Reflections Blog. Reflections are daily devotionals authored by JCPC pastors, staff and members and provide insight, guidance and comfort to help you make it through each day. If you’d like to receive Reflections each day via email, provide your email address.
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.
-Hebrews 13:1
There seems to be a cultural tradition which ties Mother's Day to church attendance. Sadly, not so with Father's Day. It's as if the stereotype is that mothers want their children all dressed up and at church, while fathers want to be left alone to sleep in. My home church even played into this growing up. But scripture tells us that parents, and perhaps especially fathers, should lead the way to worship and serving others. I've been especially inspired in recent years by dads who choose to spend this second Sunday in June getting up to take their kids with us to the shelter to serve breakfast to the homeless. What a lesson in faith and service.
Typically, our 8 year old rises with the sun, and them wakes me for breakfast. His 13 year old brother sleeps much later. So I was stunned to be awakened this Sunday morning by the teenager. His only request wasn't food or video games or his phone. It was a request to make breakfast for his little brother. He wanted to serve him and bring him joy. Two things occurred to me in that moment of pride. One, was that he found greater joy in serving someone else than a few more minutes sleep. And the second was that he found joy in it because he had a relationship with his brother and loves him.
I know that not all of you reading this are fathers or have kids at home, but neither does my teenager. What we can all learn from that example is that there is more joy in serving than sleeping, and that to find the real joy in serving others is about forming relationships. I encourage you to be in worship regularly (online with your family) or in person when we can again, and to join us in service. The relationships you will form with those you serve and those who serve with you will become your greatest joy. The kids and moms and dads who go with us every month have discovered that joy. And I'll tell you a secret... we'd love to share it with you.
Prayer for Today
Lord, make me an eager servant, leaping from the mattress to mission. Amen.