We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.
-Romans 12:6-8
Presbyterians have jokingly been called God's Frozen Chosen for years. We sort of laugh, sort of shrug, and sort of take pride in it. We aren't rowdy or rambunctious. We love everything to be "decent and in order." We are more afraid to dance and clap than most Baptists even. I still remember my pastor from my home church growing up delivering a sermon entitled, "enthusiastically Presbyterian." And he grew up Baptist, here in Georgia. But we can and should be just that! If you've ever heard me lead the Call to Worship and there's an exclamation point, you've heard me call for your enthusiasm.
This week, I was truly inspired. Our Christian Educator, Allison, charged our teachers and educators and administrators for the year and prayed for them. When she left the pulpit at the raised platform, we heard loudly from her car, "YAY, MOM!" Her 7 year old son was shouting his unbridled support. He was exhorting. When we read that list of the gifts of the Spirit, we Presbyterians sometimes celebrate teaching and preaching while glossing over the less decent and orderly ones like speaking in tongues, prophesying, and exhorting. But without them, we don't have a Dr King or a sister Mother Theresa or Dr. Billy Graham preaching justice or encouraging the people. And we don't have, "Yay, Mom!" shouted from Subarus.
When we celebrate God's gifts of teachers each year, we do well to celebrate the exhorters and prophets. They're changing our world too. And we cannot forget that marchers and munchkins, protesters and peanut galleries have a place in God's Kingdom and receive that same gifting of the Spirit. We are called to give thanks for them and to join them. And as we enthusiastically disciple as Presbyterians, we should exhort and prophesy as the Spirit calls and gifts us to do so. And, "Yay, moms!" too.