Worship the Lord with gladness. . . . For the Lord is good and his Love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. - Psalm 100: 2, 4
JCPC will offer three different opportunities for Easter morning worship. Please join us at whichever service fits your comfort level as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. The rebirth of JCPC’s in-person worship on Easter morning utilizing a large tent is symbolic and signals to all who drive by that Christ’s Church is alive and well.
Highlights from the stated monthly meeting
of Session, March 15th, 2021
Special discussion of restarting JCPC outdoor and indoor worship – Based on the Health Committee’s monitoring of the Covid virus metrics of our state and Johns Creek, the Session approved an outside tent Easter Service and its expenses, with the congregation following safe practices of masks and social distancing Session also approved adding an 11:00 a.m. indoor service beginning in May if the virus metrics continue to improve or remain stable. Property, Education, and Worship teams will coordinate planning.
Stewardship - February financials ended with a $4,442 shortfall in giving versus expenses. The special campaign for mission received a good response. First quarter mission funding was approved by Stewardship Ministry Team.
Worship – Plans are to temporarily move the cross to the ball field near the tent so we may return to our tradition of families placing flowers on the cross on Easter morning.
Caring - Meals and More will be highlighted in an upcoming Moment for Mission. Gray has assumed many of Neal’s congregational care responsibilities, in coordination with the Caring Ministry Team and the Stephen Ministers.
Education and Youth - Planning for VBS and the restart of Sunday School continues. Watch for the upcoming Preschool video. There will probably be two youth summer retreats this year including Montreat. The Men’s Fall Retreat is scheduled for September 24-26 and the Women’s Fall Retreat is scheduled for November 19-21.
Missions - JCPC volunteers provided 120 meals for the Central Presbyterian’s Men’s Shelter. Discussions continue on use of the 2020 special gift to missions.
Connecting - Visitor information cards will be distributed at Drive-In services as well as at upcoming in-person events.
All Ministry Teams are coordinating plans for indoor worship. Opportunities for other indoor group meetings are under discussion.