Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
-1 Peter 2:1-3
The passage above opens with a fairly straightforward charge. Of course, we are to rid ourselves of this list of negative habits and behaviors, and I hope that most people would agree that these actions are not good for our society or for ourselves. Take a moment right now to think about the last time you acted in a way that was malicious, deceitful, hypocritical, envious, or slanderous. I can think of a few recent examples from my own life, almost too easily… In these trying times amidst an ongoing, everchanging pandemic, how can we work to keep ourselves from acting out in negative ways?
The next verse gives us a hint at how to work on this. But have you ever been on a diet where, after the initial cravings for donuts, cake, and cookies subsides, you actually lose your cravings for the “bad” foods? Have you ever felt a lack of craving for “pure spiritual milk”? If the desire for God is even remotely like our cravings for food, then there will always be times when the desire is lacking. But maybe it can be like a healthier food option sitting in the fridge beside the cake. Yes we may crave that cake, but knowing that a deeper relationship with God can give us even more meaning, peace, and joy than any dessert can give us the motivation to “reach” for a “slice” of God.
Which leads us to the next verse… have you ever “tasted that the Lord is good”? It may seem like a strange phrase to use, but we find it in Psalm 34 as well. One of many ways we can “taste” God is through active membership in church. While attending (in your car, online, or in person) worship is important, it is only the first step. I encourage you to try out some of the many small groups we have at JCPC – including the Handbell Choir and Chancel Choir! During this Stewardship Season, I hope you will consider all that God is calling you to do, both financially and time-wise. God calls each of us in different ways, but God never stops calling. Are you answering the call?