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Welcome to the JCPC Daily Reflections Blog. Reflections are daily devotionals authored by JCPC pastors, staff and members and provide insight, guidance and comfort to help you make it through each day. If you’d like to receive Reflections each day via email,  provide your email address.

Wednesday, December 01 2021


Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. From we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body. . .

– 1 Corinthians 12:12-13a, NIV


Paul writes about the church and its members together forming one body. It is the Spirit of Christ who brings us together and connects us. However, there are times when connections are strained. Some have shared with me that they feel like their connections to other members of the church family have been strained during this pandemic. When we have had to move away from our normal and familiar ways of gathering, it has made it more difficult to feel connected. It certainly requires effort on our parts to maintain and keep that connection.


One very practical way that we try to stay connected is by having an up-to-date church directory. Periodically, we try to update that information, particularly when someone shares with us that their information has changed. So, we need your help -- in fact we need everyone's help to update our information in our church directory so we can stay better connected.


During the month of December, we're asking everyone to update their information for the church directory. We will have an insert in the bulletin in worship every Sunday which you can fill out and place in the offering plate. We will have a way to update your information online. Just watch for the link in “Connections” and on our website. We will even provide someone to take your picture when you attend worship on Sundays, or you can send us in a digital picture that you provide. Thank you for helping us stay connected!


I also want to mention that we are having a Called Congregational Meeting to elect elders on Sunday, December 12, following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. This will be a combination in-person and zoom meeting. However, we need a quorum of church members (10%) in order to be able to elect our elders. So please click this link and sign up now.

Prayer for Today

Thank you, Lord, for connecting us through your Holy Spirit as the body of Christ. Help us to do the things that strengthen our connections with one another and with you. In the strong name of Jesus the Christ we pray. Amen.

Posted by: AT 01:39 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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