The back cover of our worship bulletin identifies the church leadership structure at JCPC. It doesn't start with the Senior Pastor followed by the Associate Pastors, then program staff. Rather, it begins with the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, and then is followed by the Ministers; All the members of the Church. You!
This is a very Protestant ecclesial structure. Martin Luther risked his life for the priesthood of all believers. Of course, as you read the passage from 1 Peter, you see that this leadership structure is grounded in scripture.
The priesthood of believers is active here at JCPC. A new prayer group has formed to offer prayers for the congregation, the community, the world, and anyone in need of prayer. The name of the group is Holy Hands in Prayer and its facilitator is Alice Ann Nilsen. The group meets on Tuesdays. If you would like to join Holy Hands in Prayer or would like to ask for prayers or offer a praise, you can email Alice Ann.
Also, Stephen Ministry invites you to a seminar this evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Calvin Room. Jenny Buckley RN, BSN,CHPN of Weinstein Hospice will be leading a discussion entitled: Hope and Communication in End of Life Care. As we approach end of life, whether our own or a loved one's, sustaining hope and communication is vital. Come join us in this most timely discussion. You will find Jenny a highly knowledgeable and enjoyable speaker.
Re-read 1 Peter 2:4-5
Through prayer and education, we build a spiritual house built on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory.