In his letter to Titus, Paul writes, "The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you." (1:5, NIV, italics mine)
From the time Paul started planting the first churches, he appointed elders to help oversee these new congregations. This Sunday, at our annual meeting, we will do the same. The church members nominated by our congregation and recommend by our Nominating Committee are: Julia DeKold, Ross Johnston, David Lee, Connie Overby, and Tom Traylor. If elected, they will fill the positions being vacated by Christie DiPietro, Render Freeman, Karen Jordan, Terri MacDonald, and Steve Simpson. These elders have served well, but it is now time for some new elders to follow in their footsteps as they get a well-deserved break. We are blessed with many leaders at JCPC who take seriously their call to serve this church. Please make sure to thank those rotating off our Session for their good work.
In addition to electing elders, we will pass out a printed copy of the Annual Report. We will also hear an update on the Capital Campaign and some of the options our Session is considering in the coming weeks. We will also look at the factors related to the possible timing of the building. There will be a time for questions at the end of the meeting. It begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel, following the 9:00 a.m. worship service. It will conclude at 10:50 a.m., before the 11:00 a.m. service begins.
I hope you will make plans to attend. It may answer questions you have about what our next steps might be. It will also give our Session a chance to receive input from the church members. In many ways, this is how a Presbyterian church works, at its best. We elect elders to lead us. We also have the opportunity to give our input as together we seek to do God's will.
See you Sunday!
Prayer for Today
Thank you, God, for women and men who have the gift of leadership. Thank you for blessing our church with so many leaders of all different types. Make clear your will for our church in the coming days, so that we might serve others in the name of Christ. We pray this in his strong name. Amen.