I was inspired by the 19 confirmands who shared their statements of faith in worship yesterday. They were inspirational, funny at times, in-depth, and an indication that God is calling them and they are listening to God.
In his sermon, Gray shared a quote about God's calling from Frederick Buechner; "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." In this place, I think we both find and are found by God's calling.
I left church inspired only to hear excerpts on the radio of Creflo Dollar, the prosperity preacher, saying that God wants him to dream about getting a 75 million dollar jet. Then he went on to say that if they find life on Mars, he would dream for a rocket to get there to preach the gospel. Lofty goals indeed, but I didn't see the world's deep hunger meeting this out-of-this-world dream of his. This didn't seem like the place God calls you...
Two people that come to my mind that are living Buechner's quote about the place God calls you are Susie Howard and Jill Angove. Since the first of the year, Susie and Jill have been working diligently and what seems to be non-stop crafting our 3rd annual In Harmony for Cancer concert and silent auction. If you have visited the website, www.inharmonyforcancer.com you have seen their work up close and professionally.
Both Susie and Jill have their own stories to tell of how cancer has impacted their lives, and they are both finding and being found by God's calling in this place where their deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. I can't recall a time in my 33 years of ordained ministry when I have been so inspired and delighted witnessing this finding one's calling that I see in Susie and Jill. You don't need a jet or rocket to do out of this world things. What it takes is bringing your deep gladness into the world's deep hunger.
Prayer for Today
Give us ears to hear your calling, O God, a heart filled with passion and the faith to enter into the unknown to experience your life transforming grace. Amen.