The temple is not for man, but for the Lord God.
-1 Chronicles 29:1b (NASB)
The scripture passage above is a brief excerpt from 1 Chronicles. King David addresses the congregation, preparing them to build a temple - not just a meeting place for people, but a house where God meets us.
Did you know that most churches spend roughly 82 percent of their budgets on staff and buildings that are only open a few hours per week, and offer mostly programs designed specifically for church members? I am grateful that we at JCPC affirm that our church is not for us alone.
Members and friends of our congregation offer amazing ministry "out there" in our mission field! We feed the homeless, support missionaries in Russia and Albania, volunteer in the food pantry at Hands of Christ, collect baby bottles full of pocket change, and build schools and install water systems in the bateys of the Dominican Republic, to name only a few!
But we also offer life-changing ministry inside the walls of JCPC. For years, our church has sponsored scouting programs that have afforded immeasurable opportunities for learning and growth for hundreds of youngsters. Our preschool has nurtured thousands of children, modeling the love of Christ while teaching ABC's and 123's. Our academy of fine arts offers exceptional instruction to cultivate in students the love of music that we believe is a gift from God.
Toastmasters, Alcoholics Anonymous, CanCare - if you take a look at our church calendar, you will see entire portions of days full of ministry listing not a single event for church members. This is what it means to be the church in the world, a temple of grace, a haven for the lost, a place of rest for the weary. Thanks be to God!
Prayer for Today
Lord, we pray that we may look for ways to be caretakers of Johns Creek Presbyterian Church, and to be open to ways to use our buildings and our gifts not for ourselves, but for others. May the light of Christ show through our generosity as we reach out to the family of God. Amen.