Many of us are heading out for some much-needed vacations in the coming days. Studies show that Americans are actually taking fewer vacations these days, but I hope you get some time off if you need it. Whenever we get ready for vacation, we have a list of thing to do that includes packing and things like that. We also have to plan for what goes on back home while we are away. Having two dogs means that we need to recruit someone to come over to feed and water Ginger and Chica. It also means getting someone to bring in the newspapers and the mail.
I am not sure what your routine is as you plan to take some time off, but I want to ask that you include one more item on your list. Could you take a few moments to plan to continue your giving to God's work through JCPC while you are gone? Around the church, we refer to this time of the year as "the summer slump" because folks are out of town. Worship attendance and giving usually decrease until school starts back. However, the ministry and mission of the church continues on while we are gone. In fact, some aspects of what we do are at a high point during the summer months and your giving is what makes that possible.
If you could take the time before you head out of town to drop your check in the offering plate, put a check in the mail, come by the church office, go online to our church website to give (, or download our mobile app, it would really help. Maybe now is the time to try giving online and see if that works for you.
Let me say how much I appreciate the giving of all of our members. Your generous giving transforms lives! In the past three weeks we have had 29 senior high youth and advisers attend the Montreat Youth Conference, 22 middle schoolers and advisers attend The Great Escape youth conference, 21 youth and advisers attend the Jamaica mission trip, and 16 attend the Montreat Worship and Music Conference. Your giving helps make each of those life-changing events happen. Thank you!
Prayer for Today
God of the Sabbath, we know you made each one of us with a need for rest, in addition to work. We thank you for times of Sabbath rest in which we can find renewal for our bodies and our souls. Give us all the rest we need so that we might serve you more faithfully. We pray this in the strong name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7