Quick: name this year's Heisman trophy winner, the winner of the Miss America contest, someone who won a Nobel or Pulitzer Prize, and any of this year's Oscar winners. Now name the person most responsible for bringing you to Christ, two people who stood with you during a tough time, three teachers who have stirred in you a love for God's word, and four friends who have touched you with unconditional love.
How did you do? Chances are a lot better on the second list. We live in a world that glorifies the first list. Fame, even 15 minutes of it, is a prerequisite for greatness. Yet a greatness so quickly forgotten isn't great after all. One list fades; the other list remains because it contains the true heroes in our lives, the ones who have helped connect us to God and to eternity.
While I might be a bit biased, I believe the greatest ministry of the church is transferring the faith from one generation to the next, of truly connecting people to God and eternity. This coming year you, the members of our church, have an opportunity to be a part of that by volunteering in either the children's or youth ministry here at Johns Creek. This Sunday morning from 9:00-10:45 a.m. in Friendship Hall Allison Shearouse and I will be training our adult volunteers for their work with our young people. Would you prayerfully consider being a part of either of these important ministries? If so, then come join us whether you are fully committed or simply curious. We would love to have you.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children.
-Deuteronomy 6:4-7a
Prayer for Today
We pray today for our children and youth, that we as a church would raise them up in the ways they should go so that when they grow older they will not part from them. Amen.